Friday, October 29, 2010

Wacky Tacky Day

Wacky Tacky day was THURSDAY at school this week. I know these kids don't really look too wacky tacky but normally these little "angelic" children wear uniforms that keep them all looking very much the same. However, this week as a substitute for not being allowed to dress up for Halloween, the kids were allowed to pay a dollar to dress up "Wacky Tacky."

I made the mishap of telling my kids that Wacky Tacky day was on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I had about 9 kids show up dressed out of uniform on Wednesday. It was quite the disaster. Kids were crying (I think because they were embarrassed). I was fighting tears (because I was embarrassed) and the whole thing was just quite a mess. Thankfully the kids didn't realize I was fighting tears because there was this one day where my eyes were really messing with me and watering a lot. So now every time I am fighting tears, they just ask me if my eyes are bothering me again and I always say "yes." No more questions are asked...thank you God for allowing them to believe me.

The real wacky tacky day (Thursday) came along and the kids were wild. It was cool to see their personalities shine though, but no uniforms paired with cupcakes from a Mom made for a high energy day. Lucky me I was trying to keep them calm enough to take spelling, reading AND math tests. Oh yea... it was also a half day which added to the insanity. Needless to say I think we will all be retaking the math test Monday when we are a little more focused.

I didn't have them today (Teacher Workday) which was a nice change, and I'm hoping for a rejuvenating weekend so that I can go back on Monday to do it all over again. I'm unsure of a lot of things in and around the job world right now but one thing I know for sure.. I can almost guarantee I will never say Wacky Tacky day is on the wrong day of the week ever again.

See Pictures Below!

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